Business Strategy Session

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Are you ready for a high quality websites built to generate more leads and traffic to your website?

We don’t just build websites, we build SEO optimized websites that represent your brand and message in a very strong way. Our websites are customized to fit your business and audience, every tools needed to convert  your online audience into revenue are included in the design process.

Each client is different and so will their website needs.

Check out Website Design Packages and pricing below 

What’s the process?

1. First, choose the package you want, then click on the Book Now button, then fill out the form. 

2. Once I receive your filled out contact form, I will contact you as soon as possible with any questions I may need regarding your business, then I will send you a proposal and we will move to the next step

3. After you accepted the proposal and paid the invoice, we have all the details hammered out, then we can proceed to work! 

 Business/Social Media Marketing  Strategy 

Do you dream of having an online business?

Where you work from home?

Have so many ideas in your head, but have zero idea where to start?

I can help.

I help ambitious, hard working ladies start and scale online businesses from anywhere in the world.

Businesses that bring them the freedom to work from home.

To be home with their children.

To travel the world.

To have more money than they’ve ever dreamed of all while working less than they ever have.

It’s time to build that dream business that’s been sitting on the sidelines in your brain.

Let’s put a game plan together and make it happen.

There’s no better time than now.


8-Week Business Marketing w/ Naowshaba Ferdous

What You’ll Learn:

  • how to create content on your website and social media that actually attracts real, paying clients

  • how to close your sales calls with confidence (without being pushy or salesy)

  • how to approach your prospects on social media (without being annoying or desperate)

  • how to brand yourself unique (so your prospects choose YOU over your competitors)

  • how to build a thriving email list of warm leads

  • a customized strategy that works for YOUR business so you’re consistently booking more clients and making more money online

What’s Included:

  • 1-hour weekly recorded sessions for 8-weeks ($2000 value)

  • custom (written-by-me) email scripts, sales scripts, DM scripts, social media scripts to approach clients and book them ($500 value)

  • Facebook Messenger and Voxer support ($250 value)

  • FREE consultation with experts within your budget as we launch and scale your business (graphic designers, web designers, VAs, social media managers, etc.) ($250 value)

The Investment:

$1800 for 1:1 Private Business Marketing Coaching with Naowshaba Ferdous

Standard Payment Options:

  • 8 weekly payments of $250

  • 2 monthly payments of $900

  • $800 deposit, $1000 4-weeks later

***All website package prices are exclusive of domain renewal ($30 -$200 per year) and hosting costs ($5-50 per month)***

***50% deposit due upon reservation.***

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Subscribe to our mailing list and join over 1900+ other "Bosses" to receive latest tips on Pinterest, Social media, Blogging, Getting things done, and managing an online business. We also email our Subscribers freebies.
